Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist


2/14/11 – “RIO CHAMA AT ABIQUIU” – 18″x24″ Study – Work in Progress (Glazes) — This is a study for a larger commission piece (36″x48″)  The sky is completed and the mountains in the distance.  Sky:  Thalo Blue, Permalba White, Indanthrone Blue and a touch of Yellow Ochre.  Far mountains:  More intense sky color.  Same mixtures.  Closer mountains:  Add Chrome Oxide Green Opaque and more Yellow Ochre.  River:  Deeper sky colors.  Land and trees:  Combinations of semi-transparent glazes:  Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Yellow, Burnt Sienna.  Foreground:  Burnt Sienna in cross-hatch pattern to simulate gravel (I hope).

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