4 January 2010 – “THE NEST” (NEW BEGINNINGS) – NEW 10″X10″ Original Oil on Linen, Framed in Gold with Linen Liner. Call (575) 758-7454 for price and availability.
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end” Seneca, Roman Philospher, mid-1st Century AD. Found two quotes from Seneca recently. Another is “Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.” Am a firm believer in starting over — and the New Year is a great place to begin! New Year’s resolutions don’t work for me — I do, however, have some goals for my work this year (always subject to change, of course). I’d like to complete at least four large “environment” canvases, do more field work, complete my 100 small paintings project – and work on a book I want to self-publish in time for next Christmas. My all time favorite quote when I dream big….. “How do you eat an elephant? — One bite at a time!” DC. Taos, N.M.