Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist

7109cpr_upg_wildernessgt_500-9327048“ROAD TO WILDERNESS GATE” – NEW WORK IN PROGRESS – My most favorite place in “suburban” Truchas, N.M. (UNDERPAINTING). Mixing all my colors (except for “cartoon” which is reinforced with Prussian Blue) with MG Underpainting White and turpentine. Sky: Thalo Blue – Thalo Blue Green with touch of Ochre to “gray” the colors. Clouds: White is mixed with just a small dab of Cad. Yellow – Grey is Payne’s Grey mixed with the while. Middle Ground Greens: Prussian Blue, burnt Sienna, Chrome Oxide Green Opaque. Grasses: Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna. Foreground: Earth colors mixed with Dioxazine Purple.

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