Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist

2909glzabovevalley_500-6912449“ABOVE THE VALLEY” — NEW WORK IN PROGRESS


30″x40″ Original Oil on Fine Belgian Linen — A birds-eye view of Llano San Juan de Nepomuseno, El Llano, New Mexico – 30″x40″ Original Oil on Belgian Linen – Work in Progress (Phase #2 – The Glazes – see definition of colors under “Palette” on my blog) — Mixing my oil colors with Oil Painting Medium (see recipe for medium on my blog): Red foliage – burnt sienna and alizarin crimson, Diox Purple, Ivory Black. Fields: Yellow Ochre overlaid with diagonal strokes of Burnt Sienna. Blues: Payne’s Grey, Cerulean Blue. Upper background trees: Dark shadows – combination of Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna; Chrome Oxide Green Opaque. The next and final phase of this painting are opaque paints, stay tuned. DC


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