“NESTLED IN” – 28″X22″ New Original Oil Painting on Fine Belgian Linen, framed in gold with Linen Liner. One of the things I truly love about painting is the freedom I have to create my own reality– to change an image — “pentimento” — to paint over what I thought was good two days or two weeks ago. Am almost embarrassed that I looked at siesta in grey for almost three years before it became “Siesta in Red” (see blog archived photo July 21st at http://donnaclair.blogspot.com). It finally became the painting I always hoped it could be.
Several weeks ago I did a small (14″x11″) canvas called “Nestled In” — about ten days ago I saw the basic image in a whole different light….I wanted to try to add an early moonrise — and the lights on in the little adobe house where the nestlers would be making tortillas for dinner. Here it is…….My enhanced version of “NESTLED IN” — 28″X22″ – Original Oil on Fine Belgian Linen, framed in gold with linen liner…..For price and availability, please call my Taos Studio at (575) 758-7454. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express are available for your convenience.