Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist

30″x40″ Original Oil on Fine Belgian Linen

6/24/08 — When doing underpaintings — work fast. Mix the colors with turpentine and either Foundation White or MG White — fast drying. This canvas is another perspective of Llano San Juan – one of my favorite places. Trees at the top are a combination of Chrome Oxide Green Opaque and the darker areas are Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna. The colors in the fields are a combination of Yellow Ochre and Mars Orange. Foliage in the front: Cadmium Red, Yellow Ochre and some Diox. Purple — Also some Burnt Sienna. For the snow I am using just the Foundation White — mixing some Payne’s Grey for the shadows. I have a really good feeling about this canvas! I will need to let this underpainting dry for about a week.

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