30″x24″ Original Oil on Belgian Linen
This is a “rito” near my home here in Taos. I love to paint water and don’t get very specific with the underpainting — the water needs to “flow”, which means it is a free form of painting. Notice the reds at the top center of the painting — hoping to catch the viewer’s eye with that – it’s a little trick. Sky: Thalo Blue, Thalo Green with a little Ochre and Foundation White — a fast-drying underpainting white. Trees and shrubs: Light greys are a combination of the white, Rose Grey, some Ochre and Payne’s Grey. Water: A mixture of the sky colors with Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna for the darker colors. Also bring into the water the other colors in the painting to peek through as reflections. This canvas will be fun — Stay tuned!