36″X48″ – Original Oil on Fine Belgian Linen
To be framed in Gold with Linen Liner
My colors in this underpainting are laid in loosely and mixed with MG Underpainting White and Turpentine using a variety of bristle brushes. Colors in the trees: Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Chrome Oxide Green Opaque. Shadows: Combination of Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna, Diox. Purple and Chrome Oxide Green Opaque. This underpainting will need to dry completely (about a week) before I can work into the colors again with the glazes (darks). In the meantime I will complete “POPPY LOVE” and “MORNING POEM”.
If you have any questions, please e.mail or call my Taos Studio at (505) 758-7454.