Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist


30″x60″ Original Oil on Fine Belgian Linen — To be framed in gold with linen liner.

The glazes are the second phase of the painting and, in this work, they are concentrated in the bottom half of the piece. The sky has been “semi-completed” — that light will inform the light in the rest of the painting. Sky: combination of Permalba White, Prussian Blue, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Payne’s Grey, and Thalo Rose Red in various combinations.

The lower half of the painting — Glazes are dark transparent colors, mixed with my painting medium (see recipe on the front web log page) — burnt sienna and prussian blue for a deep, rich green; burnt sienna, olive green and alizarin crimson for the warmer shades. The river is Prussian Blue, with some thin Chrome Oxide Green and the sky colors as the beginnings of the highlights.

This painting will be completed in about ten days. STAY TUNED!

For price and availability, please call my Taos studio at (505)758-7454.

©DonnaClair2007 – All rights reserved under Federal Copyright Law.

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