Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist


palette231_500-2336453#3407 – PUESTA DEL SOL – “SUNSET” – UNDERPAINTING
30″x60″ Original Oil Painting on Fine Belgian Linen

The Rio Pueblo at sunset as seen from the little bridge on Ranchitos Road.
My colors are mixed with MG Underpainting White and turpentine. At this stage of the painting I try to work fast and loose — to put it simply, a color “cartoon” – to be redrawn and tightened up with dark, transparent colors. The darkest blues are a combination of Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna, the lighter blue sky colors are Cobalt Blue, Paynes Grey and some Diox. Purple. The lower pink color is a combination of these colors as well as Thalo Rose Red. The foliage colors: Ochre, Chrome Oxide Green Opaque, Mars Orange, Cadmium Red, and other similar earth tones. Stay tuned to see the next phase of this work — the glazes.

To receive e.mail photo of this completed painting, send e.mail to me at For price and availability, please call (505)758-7454.

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