(20″x30″ Original Oil on Fine Canvas)
(20″x30″ Original Oil on Fine Canvas)
It’s a cold and snowy day here in Taos — a fire in the woodstove in the studio – getting down to some serious winter work. The second phase of this painting are the glazes and some middle tones in the sky. Sky — I glazed the underpainting (see previous post) with Transparent Gold Ochre and Thalo Red Rose — then “scumbled” (pushed the opaque colors into the glazes while they were wet) in some Permalba White and Cadmium Yellow – Ochres and Cadmium Red for the highest lights — and moved into the shadow areas with Paynes Grey and my blue sky color. The lower half of the painting — I have put in the glazes — dark colors – See my Palette Set up on this page. Now this canvas needs to dry for about a week — stay tuned!