Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist


 Llano Quemado 9/15/21 – From the little bench on the front portal – the clouds were so spectacular all day – I photographed until my little camera told me its “battery was exhausted”!

SILENCE – Thomas Merton

 “To deliver oneself up, hand oneself over, entrust oneself completely to the silence of a wide landscape of woods and hill, or sea, or desert: to sit still while the sun comes up over the land and fills its silence with light. To pray and work in the morning and to labor in meditation in […]

STUDIO #2121-THUNDERSPIRITS – 40″X30″ Work in Progress

 Studio #2121 – THUNDERSPIRITS  – Work in Progress – (Monsoon Clouds – Llano Quemado, New Mexico) 40″x30″ Original Oil on Belgian Linen    Darks: Payne’s Grey, Cobalt Blue, Blue Grey   Middle Tones Clouds: Mixture of Blue Grey, Light Greys, Portland Blue Grey Cool – variety of Holbein Greys – Sky:  Blue Grey, King’s Grey Lights: […]

DON GREGORIO’S WINTER FIELD – 48″x36″ Original Oil – Available

     The view from my front door of the little adobe house I rented from Susie Romero when I lived in Truchas many, many years ago – always changing, always beautiful!!! Brought me great joy to look at this special place every day! Now available at Chimayo Trading del Norte in Ranchos de Taos […]