Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist

NEW! PLACITA – 8″x10″ Original Oil

  Studio # 622 – PLACITA (Placita, New Mexico) – NEW! 8″x10″ Original Oil on Linen Panel, framed in gold with linen liner – available at Online Gallery.

ON MY EASEL – 1/26/22

1/26/22 (Llano Quemado, New Mexico) ON MY EASEL TODAY – also five NEW small paintings now availabe from my Online Gallery/Store!!! ENJOY!!! 


  20 December 2021 (Llano Quemado, New Mexico) Today my studio is fresh with some New Beginnings – planning to send newsletters right after the first of the year; in the meantime…. This painting is “Winter Gifts”. The original of this work was “adopted” by some great friends and very prolific art collectors years ago […]


Best wishes to all for a Happy Thanksgiving!!! “OUR DAILY BREAD” (Taos Pueblo – Taos, New Mexico) – Still grateful for this wonderful day with artist and friend Dan Bodelson. We bought that splendiferous loaf of bread straight from the oven. Best lunch ever!! Must have been over 50 years ago – so Grateful!!!!