WINTER DREAMS – Prints, greeting cards, gift items….

WINTER DREAMS (Road home to the horse ranch on Llano Quemado – Truchas, N.M.) Now available as prints (framed or unframed), greeting cards and other great gift items. Take the armchair tour of my Fine Art America website – enjoy!


Studio No. 2616 – A PATH UNKNOWN (Una Senda Desconocido) – Work in Progress (underpainting) – 22″x28″ Original Oil on Linen.  Color Notes:  Colors are mixed with MG Underpainting White and distilled turpentine and applied with a bristle brush.  Sky: Cerulean Blue, a touch of yellow ochre.  Mountains:  Chrome Oxide Green Opaque, Yellow Ochre (light […]

A FEAST OF COLOR!! 100 Images now available as prints, greeting cards…

Happy Monday morning from Tesuque Village! – At the urging of a new friend on Facebook, I began building a new website about four months ago.  Went through years and years of archival photography and chose what I believe to be 100 of my best images to be included in my FINE ART AMERICA page […]

HIGH COUNTRY AUTUMN – Prints, greeting cards…..

HIGH COUNTRY AUTUMN (near Mora, New Mexico) – From an original oil painting – new extensive portfolio of images now available as prints (framed or unframed), greeting cards and other related items now available from FINE ART AMERICA.

SUENOS DEL RIO – Prints, Greeting cards….

SUENOS DEL RIO (Rio Grande at Pilar, New Mexico) – From an original oil painting – new extensive portfolio of images now available as prints (framed or unframed), greeting cards and other related items now available from FINE ART AMERICA.

CALLECITA DE TESUQUE – Prints, Greeting Cards

CALLECITA DE TESUQUE  (Tesuque Village, New Mexico) – From an original oil painting – new extensive portfolio of images now available as prints (framed or unframed), greeting cards and other related items now available from FINE ART AMERICA.