22″x28″ Original Oil on Fine Belgian Linen
Monday, 6/16/08 — Working this painting a little differently than many of the others. Rather than just putting in pure glazes, I am mixing a lot of opaque paints with the darker colors. The sky is completed — Thalo Blue, Thalo Green, Permalba White with a touch of Yellow Ochre (which grays the blue so that it isn’t so overwhelming). The trees and the yellow part of the chamisa is a combination of Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre — and for the darker parts, I have added a little bit of Diox. Purple. The greens are various combinations of Burnt Sienna and Prussian Blue for the darkest areas — also added some Diox. Purple. For the lighter greens I used a “dirty brush” — a combination of the yellows for the chamisa with the greens. The road will be a bunch of left over colors from my palette mixed together after a day of painting – otherwise known as “mud”. This will be a bright and interesting painting. If you would like to see the underpainting, please scroll down to my blog entry of May 26th. Stay tuned!