Donna Clair

Southwest Contemporary Artist

30″x60″ PLACITA IN WINTER (Work in Progress – Underpainting) — Color notes:  Most of the color mixtures are done using MG Fast Drying White.  Sky:  Payne’s Grey, Prussian Blue.  Mountains: Combinations of Prussian Blue and Burnt Sienna as darkest colors; lighter shades with Chrome Oxide Green Opaque and Yellow Ochre.  Snow:  Lightest areas MG mixed with a little Cad. Red and Cad. Yellow.  Shadows:  Payne’s Grey — Some Dioxazine Purple.  Light Trees:  Mud mixture with some Holbein Rose Grey.  MUD:  At the end of the day bring all the color mixtures together in one pile with your palette knife — create “mud” — use as a transitional color in the painting.  ENJOY!  DC

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